Polvo de fruta del dragón rosado
Nombre latino :Hylocereus undulatus Britt
Fuente :Pink Dragon Fruit
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Aspecto: fruta del dragón rosa
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es el polvo de fruta del dragón rosado?
La fruta del dragón se originó en la selva tropical y áreas desérticas de América Central. La fruta del dragón es rica en proantocianidin, proteínas vegetales y otras sustancias, con piel blanca, anti-envejecimiento, pigmentación clara, ecología de la piel equilibrada, y otros efectos de belleza. Flores de la fruta del dragón, frutas y ramas contienen un gran número de sustancias nutritivas y sustancias terapéu, la tos y el asma tienen un efecto único, así como la prevención del estreñimiento, la prevención de la anemia, anti-neuritis, blanqueamiento y eliminación de manchas, la inhibición de tumores, y otros múltiples efectos medicinales, muy alto valor para la salud.
Polvo de fruta del dragón rosadoSe hace de la fruta de dragón fresca correspondiente como materia prima, a través de una máquina de liofilización al vacío y ultra-micro pulverizador, y se procesa por muchos procedimientos tales como pre-tratamiento, congelación rápida, secado al vacío, pulveri, esterili, y embalaje.
Utilizando la tecnología de liofilización a baja temperatura, bajo la acción de la máquina de liofilización a baja temperatura, el polvo de fruta ha estado en condiciones de secado a baja temperatura, para evitar el proceso de secado tradicional a alta temperatura para producir la inactivación del polvo de fruta y otros problemas, y también una muy buena prevención del sabor quemado del material de fruta en polvo sensible al calor, para asegurar que el sabor y la textura de la fruta en polvo, Nutrición y calidad.
Este polvo de fruta de dragón rosa conserva efectivamente el color natural de la fruta de dragón, aroma puro, polvo fino, buena solubilidad instantánea, no capa, sin aroma, sin color, conservantes, es un polvo de fruta puro natural.
Green Spring es una compañía líder en tecnología de extracción de plantas en China con 24 años de experiencia en extracción de plantas y ha estado comprometida con el desarrollo de productos vegetales activos y de alta calidad. Organiza su producci ã ³ n seg ã º n las normas ISO, HACCP y otras normas de calidad, e implementa los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares internacionales de la industria, cumpliendo con la UE EC396, UE 2023/915 y los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares de residuos de disolventes. Con 8 certificados y 7 patentes, nuestros productos se venden en más de 62 países, atendiendo a más de 2.450 clientes.
Nombre del producto
Polvo de fruta del dragón rosado
Nombre latino
Hylocereus undulatus Britt
Fruta del dragón rosado
Método de ensayo
Polvo rojo púrpura
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Helps Improve Constipation
Pink dragon fruit is rich in dietary fiber, water-soluble cellulose, and other ingredients, of which oligosaccharides belong to a kind of water-soluble dietary fiber, can accelerate the speed of intestinal peristalsis, promote the proliferation of intestinal beneficial bacteria, improve digestive function, help to prevent or improve constipation.
May Be Beneficial for Blood Sugar and Lipids
Some studies are pointing out that dragon fruit has potential health benefits for humans, and in vitro and animal studies have shown that dragon fruit has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lipid-lowering, diabetes-preventive, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer effects. However, valuable human-based trials are few and small, and some use freeze-dried dragon fruit powder, which the average person doesn't eat in large quantities every day. (Most of these trials used red dragon fruit, both freeze-dried powder and fresh fruit.)
A study based on eating fresh pink dragon fruit found that eating 180g of red dragon fruit a day helped reduce fasting blood sugar levels and blood pressure in people who were overweight or obese. Another study found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 400g or 600g of pink dragon fruit a day for four weeks experienced reductions in blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels, with the 600g group experiencing more pronounced reductions. However, these studies were small, and more in-depth research is needed to clarify the health benefits of dragon fruit.
Regulate Blood Pressure
The magnesium content of dragon fruit is relatively high among fruits at 30mg/100g, which is nearly 8 times that of apples. Eating a dragon fruit (about 400g or so) can consume 120mg of magnesium, which can satisfy 36% of the daily magnesium requirement of the general population. And epidemiological investigations have found that magnesium intake is significantly negatively correlated with hypertension and that adequate magnesium reduces vascular tone and vascular tension.
Good for Heart Health
From the pink heart dragon fruit fresh fruit or extracted beet red pigment can effectively reduce the index of atherosclerosis, reduce the thickness of the aortic mid-membrane, repair the endothelial layer of the arteries, play a role in protecting blood vessels, the prevention and treat of coronary heart disease has a very important significance. Pink heart dragon fruit contains anthocyanins can also effectively prevent vascular sclerosis, thus preventing heart attack and blood clot formation caused by stroke.
Helps with Weight Loss
A study conducted on rats found that the beetrootin in pink dragon fruit can help control diabetes and prevent obesity by regulating the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The high fiber and water content of dragon fruit can also help keep you feeling fuller for longer.
For Healthcare Products:
With pink dragon fruit powder as the main base material, with probiotics, protein, dietary fiber, polyphenols, and other nutritional components, through nutritional homeostasis and the precise design of the quantitative and quantitative demand, the development of solid drinks, pressed tablets candy and other dragon fruit series of health products, to fully satisfy the needs of consumers for weight loss, cosmetic and other efficacy, and to develop products to meet the needs of convenient consumption, palatability, and deliciousness, rich in dosage form, nutritional and health needs and other diversified, is the ideal health food for young women, elderly people and so on. It is the ideal health food for young women, middle-aged and old people.
In the Food Field:
Pink dragon fruit powder helps to improve the nutrient content of the product, improve the color and flavor of the product, and enrich the variety of the product, which has been used in a variety of food processing areas, such as pasta products, confectionery products, bakery products, and beverages.
Pink Dragon Fruit Powder COA (en inglés)