Polvo de betacaroteno puro al 98%
Nombre del producto: betacaroteno puro al 98%
Ensayo :98%
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Aspecto: polvo fino de color naranja
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es el polvo de betacaroteno?
El betacaroteno es uno de los carotenoides, un "pro-vitamina a" común Se encuentra en los alimentos. Como el pigmento natural más frecuente y estable, el betacaroteno se encuentra en las frutas y verduras de color amarillo oscuro, naranja o verde oscuro, como zanahorias, melocotones, albaricoques, espin, coliflor y melón, dándoles su color. Hay cuatro formas comunes de carotenoides, alfa, beta, gamma y delta. Todos ellos se pueden convertir en vitamina A. por lo tanto, se consideran pro-formas de la vitamina A (un término colectivo para los componentes que se pueden convertir en vitamina A en el cuerpo). El betacaroteno es el más común de los cuatro carotenoides que se encuentran en los alimentos y es un típico representante de las proformas de la vitamina a. El betacaroteno proporciona vitamina A dietética, y es un antioxidante natural que elimina los radicales libres, tiene efectos antiinflamatorios, y ayuda A proteger las células del daño.
La tecnología de primavera verde suministra polvo de betacaroteno a granel en muchos tamaños, como 10%, 20%, 98%, etc. Está libre de impurezas, de color uniforme y buena solubilidad. Cumplimos con la farmacopea europea, farmacopea americana, farmacopea japonesa, etc. Los residuos de pesticidas, los residuos de disolventes y el contenido de metales pesados est ã ¡N bajo las normas internacionales. Todos los productos, desde materias primas hasta productos, todo el proceso de producción puede ser controlado y rastreado. Los informes de pruebas autorizados de terceros están disponibles.
Nombre del producto
Polvo de betacaroteno puro al 98%
Ensayo ensayo
Método de ensayo
Polvo fino de naranja
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Protecting Eye
The pro-vitamin carotenoid beta-carotene may help prevent eye disease and promote eye health. Studies have shown that a diet rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration by up to 35 percent. Beta carotene may also help keep the cornea (the surface of the eye) healthy and moist, optimizing eye health. Vitamin A can help optimize night or low light vision as it helps the eye convert light into signals sent to the brain. As a powerful antioxidant, beta-carotene helps relieve oxidative stress on the eyes caused by blue light from device screens and UV radiation. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system and helps reduce inflammatory eye reactions and the risk of developing eye infections.
Helpful for the Immune System
Because beta carotene is an antioxidant, it strengthens our immune system health by reducing oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress directly contributes to chronic diseases including heart disease, joint problems, Alzheimer's disease, glucose metabolism disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Antioxidants remove and destroy free radicals and strengthen our immune function. Free radicals cause damage to our tissues, which can lead to the formation of chronic inflammatory responses and disease. Researchers have shown that beta-carotene can increase the activity and number of immune cells. Carotenoids like beta carotene promote gene regulation and angiogenesis or the growth and development of new blood vessels that affect immune function.
Beneficial to Skin Health
Research has shown that a diet rich in phytochemicals such as beta carotene helps to improve the skin's defense against the sun's UV radiation. This protection will help the skin retain its elasticity and reduce sun damage, including fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots. Because beta can help prevent acne and reduce skin blemishes. It also has natural exfoliating abilities that promote cell renewal and optimize the health and appearance of the skin.
Protecting Lung Health
Studies have shown that a diet rich in beta-carotene is good for lung health. Beta carotene is converted in the body to vitamin A, which helps maintain normal lung function.
Benefits to Mental Health
Beta carotene can optimize mental health, including cognitive function and memory, due to its antioxidant effects. A series of studies have found that long-term beta-carotene supplementation can optimize memory and cognitive function. Other studies have suggested that supplementation with antioxidants may also be effective in patients with stress-induced psychiatric disorders, including anxiety and depression. One study showed that beta-carotene had antidepressant-like activity in stressed mice. Another study found that long-term beta-carotene supplementation for 15 years or more may help prevent cognitive decline in men.
In Pharmaceutical:
Carotene can treat various diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency. In addition, carotene can effectively remove free radicals in the body, prevent and repair cell damage, inhibit the oxidation of DNA, prevent the occurrence of cancer, improve human immunity, etc., so that the cancerous cells return to normal. Pure beta carotene powder can be used as raw material for the treatment of vitamin A deficiency, anti-tumor, anti-aging, and other pharmaceutical uses.
In the Food Field:
Beta carotene powder is also widely used as an additive in food, beverages, and feed. It is recognized as a non-toxic and nutritious food additive by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization's Joint Committee on Food Additives. Pure beta carotene powder is used as an edible oil-soluble pigment as its own color, depending on its concentration, covers the full range of colors from red to yellow, and is therefore used as a food-grade pigment.
Polvo de betacaroteno puro al 98% COA