3% Natural polvo de astaxantina a granel
Nombre del producto :3% Natural polvo de astaxantina a granel
Ensayo :3%
Fuente :Haematococcus Pluvialis
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Aspecto: polvo rojo o rojo oscuro
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es 3% polvo de astaxantina?
Astaxantina es un pigmento rojo natural y el ingrediente principal en Haematococcus Pluvialis. Es un carotenoide con potentes propiedades antioxidantes. Astaxantina actúa en la naturaleza para proteger a las algas de la radiación UV y el daño oxidativo. Polvo de astaxantina es un polvo rojo o rojo oscuro con buena fluidez y un olor ligeramente a pescado de algas marinas, que está hecho de algas rojas, microencapsulado, y secado en aerosol. Se utiliza principalmente en suplementos dietéticos, productos nutricionales, nutracéuticos y bebidas.
Haematococcus Pluvialis (alto contenido de astaxantina, pura natural), es reconocido como el alga con el más alto contenido de astaxantina natural de 15.000 a 60.000 PPM y es actualmente el principal alga que produce astaxantina. La estructura de la astaxantina que contiene es sobre todo del tipo levulosa, con excelente actividad biológica, por lo que es la mejor fuente biológica de polvo natural de astaxantina.
Suministros de tecnología de primavera verde3% de polvo natural de astaxantinaA granel, que proviene de extraído de Haematococcus Pluvialis. Es el polvo uniforme rojo o rojo oscuro, Tiene buena solubilidad, se puede dispersar rápidamente en agua fría, y la solución es de color rojo o rojo brillante. 100% levulina estructura, muy fácil de absorber y utilizar, actividad antioxidante, y alta biodisponibilidad.
La tecnología de Green Spring organiza la producción siguiendo las normas ISO, HACCP y otros estándares de calidad. Tenemos un riguroso proceso de control de calidad interno para asegurar que se cumplan los estándares de calidad. Cada paso del proceso de producción es monitorey probado para asegurar que el proceso de producción es conforme y cumple con los requisitos de los países relevantes. Las pruebas de producto terminado se llevan a cabo en cada producto para asegurar que cumple con los altos estándares de la Unión europea, los Estados Unidos, el sudeste asiático, y otros mercados.
Nombre del producto
3% Natural polvo de astaxantina a granel
Haematococcus Pluvialis
Ensayo ensayo
Método de ensayo
Polvo rojo o rojo oscuro
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Protection Against UV Radiation
The strong antioxidant activity of astaxanthin can be used as a potential photoprotectant for stopping photoaging of the skin. Astaxanthin can effectively scavenge free radicals that cause skin aging due to computer radiation, environmental pollution, and smoking, and slow down skin aging. It protects cell membranes and mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage, thus preventing cells from being harmed by oxidative reactions.
Based on its powerful antioxidant effects, astaxanthin has significant activity in both enhancing the body's immunity and fighting chronic inflammation. Astaxanthin inhibits several inflammatory factors, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), interleukin-1β (1L-1β), and nitric oxide (NO). Another way astaxanthin fights inflammation is by inhibiting cyclooxygenases (Cox-1 and Cox-2).
Relieve Exercise Fatigue
Astaxanthin combines with fat in the blood to provide energy during aerobic metabolism, reducing blood sugar and glycogen consumption, increasing tolerance, and prolonging exercise time. Astaxanthin can reduce the level of lactic acid in the muscle, by promoting the metabolism of the muscle, quickly relieve exercise fatigue, and reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness and joint swelling and pain produced after strenuous exercise.
Enhancement of Immunity
Astaxanthin can significantly affect the immune function of animals, and in the presence of antigen, can significantly promote the ability of spleen cells to produce antibodies. It enhances the action of T cells and stimulates the production of immunoglobulins in the body. Astaxanthin is also able to partially restore the humoral immune system of aged mice, in which the IgM, IgA, and IgG in mice can be increased to 10 mol/L respectively, indicating that in the early stage of antigen invasion, it can enhance the specific humoral immune response.
In addition, astaxanthin enhances the release of interleukin-Iα and tumor necrosis factor α in mice. Its effect was stronger than that of β-carotene and keratine. It is thus concluded that astaxanthin has a strong activity of inducing cell division and has an important immunomodulatory role.
Protection of the Eye and Central Nervous System
Studies have shown that astaxanthin easily crosses the blood-brain barrier and cell membranes, effectively preventing oxidation of the retina and damage to photoreceptor cells, as well as protecting the central nervous system, especially the brain.
For Health Products:
Natural astaxanthin powder has been used as a food additive for food colouring, preservation and nutrition. Astaxanthin powder is fat-soluble, with brilliant red colour and strong antioxidant properties, which has both a colouring effect and freshness preservation for foods, especially those containing more lipids.
In Japan, patents have been filed for the use of red astaxanthin oleoresin in the marinade of vegetables, seaweeds, and fruits, and patents have been reported on the use of astaxanthin for the coloring of beverages, noodles, and seasonings. The use of natural astaxanthin powder in the production of health products has long been studied. For example, the development of astaxanthin-containing health products is aimed at its efficacy in strengthening the immune system, combating cancer, protecting the retina from ultraviolet radiation and photo-oxidation, combating inflammation, and preventing oxidative damage to low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol in the blood.
For Feed Product:
Natural astaxanthin powder is mainly used as a feed additive for crustaceans such as fish shrimps and crabs and poultry. As a colouring agent for aquaculture animals, astaxanthin can give aquatic animals a bright colour and make them more ornamental. Adding astaxanthin to poultry feed can increase the pigment content of egg yolks. It can also increase the egg production rate of hens and promote the health of laying hens.
Astaxanthin powder has the same function in the prevention and treatment of fish, shrimp, crab and poultry diseases as it does in humans, improving immunity and survival rates, and has an important role in their normal growth and healthy breeding, improving survival and reproduction rates. Astaxanthin also enhances the flavour of fish, either directly as a precursor compound for the formation of salmon food flavour or by facilitating the conversion of fatty acids or other lipid precursors into salmon flavour compounds.
In Cosmetics:
As a new type of cosmetic raw material, natural astaxanthin powder is widely used in creams, emulsions, lip balms, skin care products, and other types of cosmetics with its excellent characteristics. Especially in the field of advanced cosmetics, natural astaxanthin, with its unique molecular structure, can efficiently extract free radicals caused by ultraviolet rays through its antioxidant effect, preventing skin photoaging. Reduces UVA and UVB damage to the skin, prevents skin cancer, and slows down cellular aging. Reduces wrinkles, melanin deposition, and freckles. Retains moisture, giving skin more elasticity, tone, and moisturization. In Japan, there is a patent for the production of cosmetics using astaxanthin's anti-photosensitizing effect.
3% de polvo Natural de astaxantina a granel COA