90% de avena polvo Beta Glucan USP2021 estándar
Nombre del producto: polvo de Oat Beta Glucan
Fuente: salvado de avena
Principios activos :Beta Glucan
Ensayo :90.0%
Método de ensayo :UV
Aspecto: polvo blanco o amarill.
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es el Beta Glucan de la avena?
El beta glucano de avena es un polisacárido sin almidón presente en la pared celular del endospermo de avena y la capa de dextrina y es una fibra dietde pequeño peso molecular. El Beta glucan representa más del 85% de la composición de la pared celular del endospermo de avena y la capa de dextrina. El beta glucano de avena es un glucano de cadena corta con una pequeña masa molecular relativa, y su masa molecular relativa varía de 60.000 a 2.000.000 daltons.
Los estudios han demostrado que el contenido de base seca de glucan bet en el salvado de avena es generalmente de 2,1 a 3,9%. Es un mucopolisacárido lineal no ramimacromolecular formado por la vinculación de unidades de glucopyranosa − -D a través de enlaces glicosídicos − -(1 − 3) y − -(1 − 4). Contiene cerca de 70% − -(1 − 4) enlaces y 30% − -(1 − 3) enlaces.
El beta glucano de avena en sí mismo es un polisacárido de fibra, y el cuerpo no tiene las enzimas para descomponer el glucano de avena, que difícilmente se descompone en monosacáridos. El beta-glucano de avena se vuelve gelatinoso cuando se disuelve en agua, lo que ralentila la absorción de grasas y carbohidratos cuando entra en el tracto digestivo y aumenta la saciedad.
La tecnología de primavera verde suministra agua Soluble en polvo Beta glucano de avena al 90% estándar USP2021, que es un ingrediente activo natural extraído de la avena. Es un ingrediente activo natural extraído de la avena. La materia prima proviene de chin's área de producción de avena de alta calidad y se desarrolla a través de tecnología avanzada de ingeniería de enzimas y tecnología nano ultrafiltración. Comparado con los productos tradicionales de avena glucan, puede ser completamente disuelto en un sistema acuoso, el producto no añade ningún sistema conservante y tiene una permeabilidad superior.
La tecnología Green Spring organiza la producción bajo las normas ISO, HACCP y otras normas de calidad. Tenemos un riguroso proceso de control de calidad interno para asegurar que se cumplan los estándares de calidad. Cada paso del proceso de producción es monitorey probado. Todos los productos que ofrecemos están fabricados con los más altos estándares internacionales de la industria, siguiendo las normas de la UE EC396, UE 2023/915, farmacopea europea, farmacopea de Estados Unidos, farmacopea japonesa y otras normas internacionales. Primavera verde ha pasado Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO y muchas otras certificaciones. Los informes de pruebas autorizados de terceros están disponibles.
Nombre del producto
Polvo Beta glucano de avena
Nombre latino
Avena Sativa L
Salvado, de demdemdemdemdem
Principios activos
Beta Glucan
Ensayo ensayo
Método de ensayo
Polvo de color amarillo claro
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Benefits for Gut Health
The microbial community in the body provides important protection against external factors, and beta-glucan, an important prebiotic component, can have a positive impact on the gastrointestinal microbiota. Oat beta glucan powder can form a gel-like network in the body and change the viscosity of gastric and intestinal fluids. Moreover, oat β-glucan powder cannot be digested by digestive enzymes (salivary amylase, etc.), and it can inhibit the growth of mucus-feeding bacteria in the intestines and stomach.
Oat β-glucan also protects the liver by improving the reproduction conditions of beneficial bacteria (such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) and increasing the number of microorganisms. In the large intestine, oat beta glucan powder is fermented by microorganisms, especially by Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the cecum, resulting in the production of bifidobacteria, which are beneficial to human health.
Cholesterol Lowering
Oat beta-glucan powder is well known for its cholesterol-lowering effect. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have shown that as little as 3 g of oat beta-glucan per day is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Studies have shown that a daily intake of at least 3 g of oat β-glucan reduces plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in patients with normal or high cholesterol. Analyses showed that oat β-glucan had a lowering effect on LDL-cholesterol, and non-HDL-cholesterol, therefore, foods rich in beta glucan powder may have the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Diabetes mellitus is generally characterized by high blood glucose levels, with excessive drinking, eating, urination, and weight loss as typical symptoms. Studies have shown that oat β-glucan can lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and maintain stable blood glucose levels. Tappy et al. demonstrated in a clinical trial that the hypoglycaemic effect of oats and oat bran was mainly attributed to oat β-glucan. Abbasi et al. demonstrated that oat β-glucan could lower postprandial blood glucose concentration and regulate the activity of intestinal glucose transporter protein, providing an effective way to lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.
Abbasi et al. demonstrated that oat beta -glucan powder can reduce postprandial blood glucose concentration and regulate the activity of intestinal glucose transport proteins, providing an effective way to lower blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Biorklund et al. found that β-glucan-rich beverages had a positive effect on glucose and insulin levels. Consumption of 5 g of oat β-glucan improved insulin levels and stabilized glucose levels.
For Health Products:
2010 The European Food Safety Authority's Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (EFSA's Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies) concluded that there is a causal relationship between the consumption of oat beta-glucan and the lowering of blood LDL cholesterol concentrations. Oat beta-glucan reduces/lower the blood cholesterol concentration and when the blood cholesterol concentration is lowered, the risk of heart disease (coronary) is also lowered. The panel concluded that a minimum daily intake of 3g of oat beta-glucan for adults is required to justify oat beta-glucan health claims. China approved oat beta-glucan powder as a new food ingredient in 2014 for use in all products except baby food.
In Meat Products:
Oat beta glucan powder has the taste of fat, can be added to meat food as a fat substitute, such as added to the sausage, not only can reduce the proportion of fat added, but also reduce the use of starch, so that the sausage has a better flavour and texture, to improve the water-holding and oil-holding properties, and to improve the sensory flavour.
In Dairy Product:
Oat beta-glucan powder is a viscous polysaccharide that is added to yoghurt to increase its viscosity and have a thickening effect. Yoghurt contains a large number of probiotics that are beneficial to intestinal health and the overall environment is acidic, but oat β-glucan is stable in yoghurt, with little change in water-holding capacity and viscosity over the shelf-life of the content; oat β-glucan can also be used as a substrate for the fermentation of probiotics, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
90% de avena en polvo Beta glucano USP2021 estándar COA