Polvo de ficocianina
Fuente :Spirulina Platensis
Ingredientes activos: concentrado de espirulina
Especificación :E18
Método de ensayo: UV
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¿Qué es el polvo de ficocianina?
Ficocianina es un polvo azul oscuro con una hermosa apariencia aislada de espirulina. Es a la vez una proteína, un excelente colornatural de alimentos y un alimento saludable. Es un pigmento azul natural aprobado por la FDA de los Estados Unidos. La Unión europea ha incluido el alginato como ingrediente alimentario coloreado y su uso en los alimentos no está restringido. Algas azul proteína es un tipo de proteína intrac, a través de la espirulina roto células disueltas en el extracto de precipitación obtenida debido a que la extracción es de color azul, por lo que el nombre de algas azul proteína. Algas Blue protein contiene varios aminoácidos y sustancias antioxidantes, que ha sido ampliamente utilizado en productos para la salud, aditivos alimentarios cosméticos y otros campos.
elPhycocyanin Polvo polvo polvoProporcionado por Green La tecnología de primavera se extrae de espirulina de una manera suave a través de la concentración, centrifuy filtración, y sólo el agua se añade como aditivo en todo, por lo que es un pigmento azul natural muy seguro. Es rico en proteínas de alta calidad, ácidos grasos de ácido − -linolénico, y 8 tipos de aminoácidos requeridos por el cuerpo humano, lo que hace que sea más fácil para el cuerpo humano para identificar y absorber los micronutrientes, con alto valor nutricional.
La tecnología Green Spring se fundó en 2000 y se ha comprometido a proporcionar a los clientes extractos de plantas naturales, seguros y orgánicos. Ha pasado múltiples certificaciones como Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Primavera verde tiene un sistema sistemático de gestión de la calidad que implementa estrictamente la gestión de la calidad. Todos los productos son trazables y cumplen con las normas internacionales como la farmacopea de Estados Unidos, la farmacopea japonesa y la farmacopea europea. Podemos proporcionar informes de pruebas autorizados de terceros.
Nombre del producto
Polvo de ficocianina
Spirulina Platensis
Principios activos
Concentrado de espirulina
Método de ensayo
Polvo azul, con fluorescroja
Residuos de plaguicidas
Es conforme con (CE) n º 396/2005.
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Phycocyanin inhibits the oxidative luminescence reaction of luminal under alkaline conditions by acting on the phagocytic respiratory burst, resulting in the reduction of free radicals (-OH, H2O2, RO-) and excess peroxides. There is evidence that reactive oxygen species such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals, can cascade arachidonic acid, resulting in mast cell degranulation and release of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, tumor necrosis factor, and other inflammatory mediators. Phycocyanin happens to be able to scavenge peroxide, hydroxyl, and alkyl radicals.
A study of the pharmacological activity of phycocyanin against hepatotoxicity induced by R-(+)-longifolium menthone and CCl4 in rats showed that phycocyanin significantly reduced the hepatotoxicity induced by the production of large amounts of free radicals by both compounds. Phycocyanin significantly reduced the phagocytosis and the associated respiratory burst activity of chytridial cells, which was based on the principle that phycocyanin reduced the tumour necrosis factor TNF-α produced by oxidative stress and nitric oxide produced in the hyperthyroid state. Thus, the hepatoprotective effect of phycocyanin is mainly attributed to its inhibition of the production of reactive metabolites in oxidative reactions and its effective elimination of free radicals.
Elimination of Cataracts
Phycocyanin inhibits D-galactose-induced apoptosis of human lens epithelial cells (LECs) via mitochondrial and unfolded protein response pathways. Lens epithelial cell apoptosis is an important cause of cataract formation, and prevention of LEC apoptosis could be a therapeutic strategy for cataracts. The experimental results showed that phycocyanin could reduce the incidence of sodium selenite-induced cataracts by regulating the levels of antioxidant enzymes in vivo and ex vivo, such that oxidative stress in vivo was reduced.
Protection of Blood Vessels
Experiments have confirmed that the phycocyanin in Spirulina inhibits the generation of reactive free radicals and cyclooxygenase-2, thus increasing the level of antioxidant enzymes in the body, effectively improving the inflammatory damage caused by oxidative stress in atherosclerotic animals, and has the effect of regulating blood lipids.
In Healthy Food:
Phycocyanin can improve the metabolism of skin cells, resist the attack of free radicals, and keep the skin smooth and delicate. In addition, algal blue protein has the effect of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood fat, reducing fatigue, etc., which helps to enhance the health of the body.
In Cosmetics:
Collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are contained in Phycocyanin powder, can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, preventing the skin from sagging and developing wrinkles. It can also lighten melanin, brighten skin tone, effectively fight oxidation and protect skin from environmental stimuli such as UV rays.
In the Food Field:
The antioxidant effect of phycocyanin powder is very significant, which can inhibit lipid oxidation reactions in food, prolong the shelf life of food, maintain the color, taste and nutrient content of food, and improve the quality of food. In addition, algal blue protein can be added to products such as dairy products, meat products, fruit juices, and dietary supplements to increase their nutritional value.
Ficocianin Powder COA