Polvo de ácido linoleico conjumicroencapsulado
Nombre del producto: polvo de ácido linoleico conjumicroencapsulado
Fuente: semilla de cártamo
Principios activos: ácido linoleico conjugado
Ensayo :60%
Aspecto: polvo fino blanco o blanquecino
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es el polvo de ácido linoleico conjumicroencapsulado?
Ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) es un término general para una serie de mezclas de isómeros de ácido linoleico con 18 átomos de carbono y que contienen dobles enlaces conjug(-C=C-C-C=C-). El ácido linoleico conjugado ha sido ampliamente utilizado como un suplemento dieten Europa y los Estados Unidos. China también aprobó el ácido linoleico conju(CLA) como un nuevo alimento de recurso en 2019, lo que permite su consumo directo o añadido a grasas, aceites comestibles y productos grasos emulsionados.
Polvo de ácido linoleico conjumicroencapsulado en polvo de ácido linoleico conjuse está hecho de éster de etilo de ácido linoleico conjude alta calidad, por proceso de secado por pulveri. El polvo de ácido linoleico conjumicroencapsulado en polvo está en estado sólido con buena fluidez, fácil de transportar y procesar. Puede ser utilizado como un ponche, así como un aditivo alimentario para harina, embude de jam, leche en polvo, bebidas y otros productos alimenticios, ampliando sus campos de aplicación y alcance.
La tecnología de primavera verde suministra micro-encapsulado polvo de ácido linoleico conjuconju, es el aceite de semilla de cárcárcárcomo materia prima para producir éster etíde ácido linoleico conju, y su micro-encapsulado incrust, los nutrientes micro-encapsulados en nano- a micron- partículas de tamaño, la preservación perfecta de su actividad nutricional, mejorando en gran medida la estabilidad y la tasa de absorción diges, la tasa de carga de aceite del producto de hasta el 80%, La calidad general de la estabilidad general de los indicadores son más altos que el estándar de la industria.
Nombre del producto
Ácido linoleico conjuconjumicroencapsulado
Nombre latino
Carthamus Tinctorius L.
Semillas de cártamo
Ensayo ensayo
Método de ensayo
Polvo blanco o blanco apagado
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Weight Loss
Clinical trials in humans have proven that Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA) can effectively reduce body fat content and fat-to-muscle ratio. 2004 the American Journal of Nutrition published a study on the long-term use of CLA for fat reduction. 180 obese men and women with a BMI of 25-30 were divided into a control group of CLA-FFA, CLA-TG, and a control group of olive oil and tested for body fat before and after the use of CLA-FFA, CLA-TG, and Olive Oil using a dual-energy X-ray (a device that accurately measures body fat). The body fat was tested before and after use using the Dual Energy X-Ray (an instrument that accurately measures body fat) and the values were measured before and after use. The results showed that CLA-FFA and CLA-TG showed a decrease in body fat of about 2kg and an increase in muscle mass of 0.7kg, while the control group showed an increase in body fat of 0.2kg and no increase in muscle mass.
Increase Resistance
Studies have shown that taking Conjugated Linoleic Acid powder can prevent colds and flu, bad taste, or weight loss in patients suffering from viruses, inflammation, or after surgery. The reason for this is that Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) activates the body's immune cells, reduces the levels of certain compounds that inhibit immune function (e.g. leukotrienes and prostaglandins), and increases the body's immune function by improving insulin sensitivity.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in epithelial cells, breast, ovary, lung, skin, colon, stomach, colon and prostate. CLA also has a unique effect on the prevention and treatment of cancer caused by chemical substances, through the supplementation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid powder is enough to significantly reduce the incidence of tumours caused by cancer-causing chemicals and the number of tumours. And adding 0.1%-1% of Conjugated Linoleic Acid powder in food has an obvious tumour-suppressing effect.
In addition, feeding the animals 1% Conjugated Linoleic Acid not only resulted in the shrinkage of prostate tumours but also significantly reduced tumour metastasis to the lungs. The effect on tumours in the foregut of mice, the number of tumours in the experimental group was only half that of the control group. And it is worth noting that CLA has no toxic side effects and can be taken for a long time.
Improve Bone Density
Studies have shown that Conjugated Linoleic Acid promotes the division and regeneration of bone tissue, the synthesis of cartilage tissue cells and the deposition of minerals in bone. This is due to Conjugated Linoleic Acid's ability to effectively reduce levels of Prostaglandin 2 (PGE2), which in high concentrations inhibits bone synthesis. Dietary supplementation with Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder, with higher concentrations of CLA in bone tissue than in other tissues, promotes bone formation and prevents osteoporosis.
Lowering Blood Lipids and Cholesterol
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) effectively reduces the concentration of LDL and VLDL in the blood without lowering the concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL, known as good cholesterol). The latter can transport lipids in the blood to the liver for metabolism, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Tests have shown that after taking Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder, the total cholesterol level and the bad cholesterol level in the blood are lower, and the ratio of LDL and HDL can also be reduced.
In the Food Field:
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), a newly discovered functional fatty acid, is now widely used as a dietary supplement in Europe and the United States. It has been filed with the US FDA and entered the list of "Generally Regarded As Safe" (GRAS) substances. The description of the record states that "CLA is a naturally occurring essential fatty acid that is involved in a variety of biological regulatory functions in the body". It is used as a fat-based dietary supplement in the Sports Nutrition Guide edited by the National Physical Fitness Association of the United States.
China issued Announcement No. 12 of 2009 on 27 September 2009, approving Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder and Conjugated Linoleic Acid Glycerides as new resource foods in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Administration of New Resource Foods.
For Health Products:
Conjugated Linoleic Acid has antioxidant, weight control, anti-atherosclerosis, immune response side effects, cholesterol and blood glucose lowering, diabetes prevention, etc. Micro-Encapsulated Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder has been used as a nutraceutical additive.
Microencapsulated Conjugated Linoleic Acid Powder COA