Isomalto Oligosaccharide Powder Bulk

Isomalto oligosacárido Powder Bulk (en inglés)

Nombre del producto :Isomalto oligosacárido polvo a granel

Ensayo :90%

Método de ensayo :HPLC

Aspecto: polvo fino blanco o amarillo claro

Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005

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  • ¿Qué es Isomalto oligosacárido?

    Isomalto oligosacsacárido está hecho de almidón de alta calidad, que se refina a través de una serie de procesos tales como licuación, concentración y secado por la acción de enzimas. El oligosacárido de Isomalto incluye solo oligo maltosa de cadena recta con enlaces glicosídicos − 1,4 y oligo maltosa de cadena ramicon enlaces glicosídicos − 1,6 (también conocido como oligo isomaltosa). Similar a las fibras solusolubles en agua de las plantas, es fácilmente digerible, tiene baja dulzura y bajas propiedades osmóticas. Se puede prolongar el tiempo de suministro de energía, mejorar la resistencia muscular, anti-fatiga, etc. Tiene el efecto de la proliferación de bifidobacterias, pertenece al oligosacárido funcional, el cuerpo humano no puede ser digeriy absorabsor, no causa azúcar en la sangre elevada, los diabéticos pueden comer.


    La tecnología de primavera verde puede proporcionar varias especificaciones deIsomalto oligosacárido en polvoBulk, que tiene un dulzor suave, sin olor peculiar, sin impurezas, buena permeabilidad, fuerte retención de humedad y color estable. La tecnología de primavera verde cumple con las normas internacionales como la farmacopea europea, la farmacopea americana, la farmacopea japonesa, etc. Todos los productos cumplen con las normas internacionales para residuos de plaguicidas, residuos de disolventes y contenido de metales pesados. Todo el proceso de producción es controlable y trazable. Podemos proporcionar informes de prueba autorizados de terceros.


    Nombre del producto

    Isomalto oligosacárido Powder Bulk (en inglés)

    CAS No.


    Ensayo ensayo


    Método de ensayo



    Polvo fino de color blanco o amarillo claro

    Residuos de plaguicidas

    Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005


    Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.

    ¿Busca un presupuesto?


    Prevention of Dental Caries

    Isomalto oligosaccharide is not utilized by Streptococcus caries and is not broken down by oral enzymes, thus preventing dental caries. When used in combination with sucrose, isomaltooligosaccharide with isomaltose residues strongly inhibits the synthesis of insoluble dextran, thus preventing the formation of tartar and preventing the growth of caries-carrying bacteria from adhering to and reproducing on the teeth. Therefore, isomalto oligosaccharide has an anti-caries effect in sucrose-based foods.


    Low Calorie, No Increase in Blood Sugar

    Isomalto oligosaccharide is difficult to be digested by gastric enzymes, low sweetness, low calories, basically does not increase blood glucose and blood lipids. Because it does not contain monosaccharides or monosaccharides content is very low, its calorie is only 1/6 of sucrose. Isomalto oligosaccharide is difficult to decompose and absorb through the digestive enzymes, after the control experiments with the oral glucose alone proved that fasting oral intake of oligoisomaltose people, blood glucose and insulin did not rise. This means that isomaltooligosaccharide is not absorbed and utilised in the stomach, and all of it enters the intestines.


    Water-Soluble Dietary Fibre

    Isomalto oligosaccharide belongs to the group of non-digestible oligosaccharides with the function of water-soluble dietary fibre. Since oligosaccharides are not digested by human digestive juices, they are also called low molecular mass, non-adhesive, water-soluble dietary fibre. However, functional oligosaccharides do not have dietary fibre thickening, water and satiety effects, and their role stems from the unique fermentation characteristics. Isomalto oligosaccharide is superior to dietary fibre in that it has a lower intake, does not cause diarrhoea, has a certain sweetness, is completely water-soluble, does not destroy the texture and flavour of the food, does not increase the viscosity, and does not affect the absorption of minerals and vitamins.


    Promote Mineral Absorption

    Isomalto oligosaccharide will not be absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, but directly into the large intestine. It is preferentially utilized by beneficial bacteria, while other harmful bacteria in the intestines can not be utilized, thus it can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Bifidobacterium bifidum can also synthesize vitamins B1, B2, B6, K, niacin, folic acid, etc., and certain amino acids in the intestinal tract, and improve the absorption of calcium ions.


    Prevents Constipation

    Isomalto oligosaccharide produces short-chain fatty acids that can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase fecal wetness, and maintain a certain osmotic pressure, thus preventing constipation. Since the Bifidus Factor is to improve the balance of intestinal microorganisms, and fundamentally restore the normal detoxification function of the intestinal tract, it will not produce dependence and resistance like taking laxatives; it will not produce other toxic side effects, and it is a healthy ecological intestinal cleansing and detoxification food.


    Inhibition of Pathogenic Bacteria and Diarrhoea

    The proliferative effect of isomaltooligosaccharide effectively inhibits pathogenic bacteria and reduces the number of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. In the digestive tract protozoa quickly establish beachheads to inhibit pathogenic bacteria and diarrhoea.


    In the Food Field:

    Isomalto oligosaccharide is commonly used in dairy products, such as infant formula, and middle-aged and old-aged formula. Isomalto oligosaccharide powder is also often used to replace part of sucrose, added to a variety of beverages, and food.

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