Polvo de remo«de remo«
Nombre latino :Beta Vulgaris L.
Fuente: remolacha
Método de ensayo :UV
Aspecto: polvo rojo púrpura
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es el polvo de remolacha?
La remolacha (Beta vulgaris L), también conocida como remolacha (remolacha), tiene sus raíces en Europa, donde las personas que vivían en el Mediterráneo oriental y Oriente medio comenzaron a comer hojas de remolacha a principios de la antigua Grecia y Roma. Los romanos más tarde comenzaron a usar la raíz para varios propósitos medicinales. Más tarde, se hizo popular en Europa Central y oriental, donde se utilizó como un plato culin, y fue sólo en el siglo XVI que comenzó a ser cultivado y siempre ha sido considerado un vegetal nutritivo.
Polvo de remolacha, fuente de remolacha, un vegetal saludable natural. Se trata de un fino polvo de color rojo violáceo elaborado por el secado y corte de remolacha y tritura bajas temperaturas. El polvo de remolacha es un alimento nutritivo natural rico en fibra dietética, antioxidantes, minerales como el hierro y el magnesio, y algunas vitaminas, especialmente la vitamina B. el polvo de remolacha es también una buena fuente de vitaminas.
La tecnología Green Spring suministra materias primas en polvo de remolacha seleccionadas de remolaca de alta calidad en las zonas productoras de remolaca madura, la pulpa fresca se extrae directamente sin añadir agua y se refinmediante la tecnología original de secado por pulveride carga contrcorriente. Este polvo de remolacha mantiene eficazmente los nutrientes y el sabor de remolacha, se disuelve al instante, y es fácil de consumir.
Green Spring Technology es una compañía de biotecnología líder en China, que se estableció en 2000 y se dedica a la investigación, desarrollo y suministro de extractos de plantas de alta calidad. Produce de acuerdo a ISO, HACCP y otras normas de calidad, y sus productos implementan los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares en la industria internacional, cumpliendo con los est ã ¡Ndares de la UE EC396, EU 2023/915, y los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares de residuos de disolventes. Ha establecido un sistema de trazabilidad perfecto y todos los productos son trazables. Primavera verde ha obtenido muchas certificaciones como Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Se dispone de informes autorizados de pruebas de terceros.
Nombre del producto
Polvo de remo«de remo«
Nombre latino
Beta Vulgaris L.
Método de ensayo
Polvo rojo púrpura
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Blood Replenishment
Beetroot powder is rich in iron and folic acid, iron is an important component of haemoglobin, and folic acid on the formation of red blood cells to promote the role of the two together can increase the number of red blood cells, improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, achieve the effect of replenishing blood.
Protects the Heart
Beetroot has a significant blood pressure lowering effect because it is rich in nitrates, which are up to 20 times more abundant than in ordinary vegetables. Nitrate is an anti-coagulant factor that effectively lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow. On consumption of beetroot, the body converts the natural nitrates into carbon monoxide, a vasodilating molecule, which leads to a drop in blood pressure, and lowering of blood pressure contributes to heart health, prevention of heart disease, and risk of stroke.
Promote Digestion
Beetroot powder contains dietary fiber, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase intestinal peristalsis, help to maintain normal intestinal function, improve constipation, promote food digestion, indigestion, constipation, and other gastrointestinal disorders have an auxiliary improvement effect.
Protects the Liver
Beetroot is rich in folic acid, nitrates, and iron which help to remove toxins from the liver. It improves liver health by enhancing blood circulation, removing wastes from the cells, and delivering fresh blood to the cells. The unique betaine in beetroot accelerates the metabolism of acids in the body, reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the body, and inhibits the accumulation of fat in the liver, which can significantly improve the health of patients with alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Beetroot's powerful antioxidant properties are derived from beetroot's rich natural antioxidant content and the source of beetroot's bright red color - betulin. Beetroot is a natural pigment - anthocyanin, a natural antioxidant widely found in plants.
Helps Fight Inflammation
Scientists treated the kidneys of rats that drank paraquat with betaine, a key component of beetroot redness and found that betaine reduced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in the kidneys of the poisoned rats. In a study of 24 hypertensive patients (ref. 5), drinking 8.5 ounces (250 ml) of beet juice for a fortnight significantly reduced several markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a). An earlier study in 2014 of patients with osteoarthritis, a disease that causes inflammation in the joints, demonstrated that beet red pigment, made from beetroot root extracts, significantly reduced inflammation. An earlier study in 2014 in patients with osteoarthritis, a condition that causes inflammation in the joints, showed that beetroot extracts used to make beetroot capsules reduced pain and discomfort.
In the Food Field:
Beetroot powder can be used to enhance physical performance and improve immunity, making it particularly suitable for energizing people in hot summer conditions. Beetroot juice has also been shown to be effective in enhancing athletes' performance in endurance sports, with significant results in running, cycling, and triathlon. In the field of medicine, beetroot contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that help regulate health and prevent disease. Recently a variety of new beetroot-based products have appeared on the market. For example, Beet It Sport's beetroot juice is highly regarded for its positive effects on endurance sports. There are also beetroot powder products, which can be used not only as a food supplement but also to enhance the body's energy supply.
In Pharmaceutical:
In pharmaceuticals, where colouring is required, beet red pigment can be used instead of synthetic colouring for the production of coloured drugs. Beet red pigment has anti-cancer effects and can be used in the development of anti-cancer drugs.
In Cosmetics:
The pigment in beetroot powder can be added to cosmetics instead of synthetic pigments. The pigment also has health functions such as antioxidants and anticancer and can be used in the production of colored cosmetics and anti-aging cosmetics.
Polvo de remolachas de remolachas, polvo de remolachas, COA