Polvo alfa lipoico a granel
Nombre del producto:Polvo alfa lipoico en polvo Otros productos a granel
Ensayo :99.0%
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Aspecto: polvo cristalino amarillclaro
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es polvo alfa lipoico?
El ácido lipoico, también conocido como alfa lipoico (− -LA), con la fórmula molecular C8H14O2S2, es un cristal en polvo de color amarillo páli, casi inodoro. La solubilidad en agua es pequeña, alrededor de 1 g/L (20℃). Soluble en una solución de 10% de NaOH, Soluble en disolventes alifáticos. Soluble en metanol, etanol, cloroform, y éter. El ácido lipoico tiene un centro quiry por lo tanto tiene las configuraciones R y S. El ácido lipoico Natural es un cristal blanco con sólo la configuración R, y sólo la configuración R del ácido lipoico puede adherirse covalentemente a los residuos de lisina a través de enlaces amida para funcionar como una coenzima. El ácido lipoico sintético, por otro lado, es una mezcla de proporciones iguales de las configuraciones R y Sy es un polvo amarillque es altamente soluble en solventes a base de lípidos.
La tecnología de primavera verde suministra polvo alfa lipoico Granel de alta pureza, sin impurezas, sin residuos de disolventes y sin residuos de plaguicidas. La tecnología de primavera verde se ha centrado en la industria de extracción de plantas durante 23 años, tiene un conjunto de sistemas sistemáticos de gestión de calidad, implementa estrictamente el sistema de gestión de calidad, y organiza la producción siguiendo ISO, HACCP y otras normas de calidad. Todos los productos con residuos de pesticidas, residuos de disolventes y metales pesados están en línea con la farmacopea europea, la farmacopea estadounidense, la farmacopea japonesa y otras normas internacionales. Podemos proporcionar informes de prueba autorizados de terceros.
Nombre del producto
Polvo alfa lipoico a granel
Ensayo ensayo
El 99%
Método de ensayo
Polvo cristalino amarillento claro
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Beneficial for Diabetes
Alpha Lipoic increases the expression and activity of glucose transporter proteins in pancreatic islet cells and enhances the ability of glucose to enter the cells, thus lowering blood glucose levels. It can also stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic islet cells and increase the concentration of insulin in the blood. Alpha Lipoic can also directly scavenge most of the reactive oxygen radicals in the body, chelate metal ions, significantly inhibit the oxidation of ascorbic acid mediated by Cu2+, Fe3+-citric acid, and alleviate the damaging effects of free radicals on the body. In addition, alpha lipoic powder also has a certain alleviating effect on diabetic neuropathic pain, mainly by regulating the transport of Ca2+ ions and the level of reactive oxygen species to produce the effect.
Reduces Inflammatory Skin Reactions
Alpha lipoic acid has strong anti-inflammatory activity. Lipoic acid can inhibit important intracellular inflammatory signaling pathways such as NF-κB, MAPK, and JAK/STAT, and thus reduce the synthesis and release of downstream inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandin E2, interleukin-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-α, etc. It also inhibits leukocyte chemotaxis, adhesion, and migration, and reduces the accumulation and infiltration of inflammatory cells at the site of inflammation. As well as inhibiting leukocyte chemotaxis, adhesion, and migration, it reduces the aggregation and infiltration of inflammatory cells to the site of inflammation, thus reducing the degree of inflammatory response. It enhances the function of anti-inflammatory cells (such as macrophages and regulatory T cells) and inhibits the activity of inflammatory cells (Th17 cells), thus reducing the inflammatory response.
Alpha lipoic acid, known as the "universal antioxidant", is a natural cofactor involved in the oxidative metabolism of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase. Lipoic acid can directly scavenge free radicals, especially reactive oxygen radicals, thus reducing oxidative damage to intracellular molecules by free radicals and protecting cells from oxidative stress. Lipoic acid can enhance the antioxidant capacity of cells by regulating the activity and expression of antioxidant enzymes. It has been found to enhance the antioxidant defense system of cells by activating the expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione reductase.
Alpha lipoic acid can also inhibit important oxidative stress signaling pathways such as NF-κB, MAPK, and Nrf2, reduce the expression of oxidative stress-related genes, decrease the degree of oxidative stress, and protect organelles from oxidative damage.
Antiviral and Antibacterial
Lipoic acid is also known to inhibit the growth and replication of certain bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It mainly inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria by destroying their cell walls and cell membranes, and also inhibits key processes such as enzyme activity and protein synthesis of microorganisms, thus killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, even including drug-resistant strains. At the same time, it inhibits the biofilm formation of certain fungi and increases the susceptibility of fungi.
For Health Product:
Alpha lipoic acid powder is commonly used in the health care and pharmaceutical industries for the treatment of many chronic diseases (e.g., treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, liver and kidney lesions, etc.), and it also has an important and wide range of applications in cosmetics.
Polvo alfa lipoico a granel COA