60% de fosfatidilserina en polvo de soja
Nombre del producto :60% fosfatidilserina polvo a granel de soja
Fuente: soja
Ensayo :60.0%
Método de ensayo :HPLC
Aspecto: polvo amarillo claro
Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
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¿Qué es fosfatidilserina en polvo?
Fosfatidilserina es un fosfolípido que es un nutriente esencial para las membranas celulares y es abundante en las células cerebrales. Está implicado y regula una amplia gama de actividades funcionales en el cerebro que implican la transducción de señales celulares, la supervivencia celular y la apoptosis, y las respuestas neuroinflamatorias. Polvo fosfatidilserina es ampliamente utilizado como una intervención adyuvpara una variedad de enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema nervioso central, tales como la depresión, Parkinson's, demencia, autismo y TDAH, para proporcionar neuroprotección y mejorar la función cognitiva del cerebro.
Fosfatidilserina consta de tres partes: una columna vertebral de glicerhidrófilo como la cabeza y dos grupos lipofílicos de hidrocarburos de cadena más larga como la cola. La cabeza consta de tres grupos: un residuo de serina combinado con un residuo de ácido fosfórico y unido al grupo hidroxilo de glicerol en la posición C-3; Los otros dos grupos hidroxilo de glicerol son esterificados con ácidos grasos para formar la cola. Los ácidos grasos en la posición C-2 del glicerol generalmente tienen cadenas de carbono más largas y más enlaces insaturados que los de la posición C-1. Su estructura determina sus propiedades únicas, la cabeza cargada negativamente es hidrofílica (o soluble en agua) y la cola de ácidos grasos es lipofílica (o soluble en grasa), haciendo fosfatidilserina anfifílica, tanto hidrofílica como lipofílica.
La tecnología de primavera verde suministra el 60% de fosfatidilserina en polvo a granel de la soja, que se deriva de los fosfolípidos de soja naturales no modificados genéticamente. Es controlado y trazable durante todo el proceso de producción, desde las materias primas hasta los productos acabados, con un estricto control de los residuos de plaguicidas en las materias primas y pruebas de diversos contaminantes en línea con las normas mundiales.
verde Spring siempre se ha comprometido a proporcionar a nuestros clientes extractos de plantas naturales, seguros y ecológicos. Todos los productos que ofrecemos cumplen con los más altos estándares internacionales de la industria. Organizamos nuestra producción de acuerdo con las normas ISO, HACCP y otras normas de calidad, y hemos aprobado Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO y muchas otras certificaciones. Se dispone de informes autorizados de inspección de terceros.
Nombre del producto
60% polvo de fosfatidilserina
Nombre latino
Glycine max (Linn.) Merr.
Principios activos
Ensayo ensayo
Método de ensayo
Polvo fino de color amarillo claro
Residuos de plaguicidas
Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005
Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.
¿Busca un presupuesto?Benefits:
Relief of Physical Fatigue
In a double-blind controlled trial, one group of subjects took 800 mg of Phosphatidylserine per day, and the other group took the same dose of placebo, after 10 days of the same high-intensity training, and then measured the cortisol concentration in the blood of the two groups. Cortisol levels in the control group were significantly higher than before the training, while those in the phosphatidylserine group were kept at a lower level.
The researchers speculate that the role of phosphatidylserine powder may be involved in the process of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (hormonal feedback system) in response to stress.
Improving Cognitive Performance
Phosphatidylserine's primary function is to improve cognitive decline, especially aging-induced cognitive decline. Current research generally suggests that Phosphatidylserine ameliorates cognitive decline through three mechanisms:
One is the maintenance of cell membrane function. Phosphatidylserine, as an important component of the cell membrane, helps to increase cell mobility. and positively affects Na+/K+-stimulated ATPase (up-regulation) and acetylcholinesterase (down-regulation). This may lead to its effects on cognition.
The second is to help repair cell damage. Phosphatidylserine helps increase the number of nerve cell spines. Helps repair and renew damaged brain cells and restores energy needed for neurotransmitter delivery. Slows brain cell aging, helps the brain function, and improves cognitive learning.
Third, it increases cholinergic energy. Acetylcholine is the chemical that brain cells use to communicate with each other, and a decrease in acetylcholine levels decreases communication between neurons. This can lead to memory impairment, learning disabilities, and overall cognitive dysfunction. Phosphatidylserine powder promotes the synthesis and release of acetylcholine, which speeds up communication between brain cells, thus aiding thinking.
Repairing Brain Damage
As one of the main components of brain nerves, Phosphatidylserine can nourish and activate the activity of various enzymes in the brain, which can slow down the process of neurotransmitter reduction. It helps to repair and renew damaged cells in the brain and remove harmful substances, which is effective in treating paediatric ADHD caused by brain damage, malnutrition and hereditary decline in the number of neurotransmitters.
Improving Alzheimer's Symptoms
Alzheimer's disease has become a worldwide problem that cannot be ignored. As we age, phosphatidylserine and other important chemicals that affect brain function decrease. This chemical change leads to a decline in normal cell membranes, enzyme activity, and transport capacity, and cognitive ability. Phosphatidylserine powder supplementation can increase the number of brain spines, enhance the fluidity of brain cell membranes, and promote glucose metabolism in the brain cells, thus achieving the effect of making brain cells more active. Phosphatidylserine powder supplements have been widely used in many countries to treat age-related dementia and memory loss.
Relief of Nervous Depression
According to neurotransmitter science, dysfunction of the noradrenergic and 5-hydroxytryptophan systems in the brain may be the cause of nervous depression. Phosphatidylserine significantly reduces excessive levels of stress hormones in the body of people who are stressed at work, reducing stress and relieving brain fatigue. It also promotes concentration, improves alertness and memory, and relieves bad moods.
Helps Treat Depression
Brambilla F used phosphatidylserine to study the efficacy of cognitive and behavioural symptoms in 10 female patients with melancholic senility. The results showed an increase in plasma concentrations of norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptophan before and after administration of phosphatidylserine powder, and an average 70 percent reduction in depression in the patients. Symptoms such as mood disorders, abnormal behaviour, anxiety and irritability were significantly improved. Symptoms were virtually unchanged before and after treatment with a placebo, and no side effects were noted during the phosphatidylserine product trial.
For Health Products:
The use of phosphatidylserine powder can play a role in regulating blood lipids, improving memory, protecting the liver, strengthening the brain, as well as delaying aging and other physiological functions. Phosphatidylserine powder has been used as a kind of raw material for health food additives.
60% de fosfatidilserina en polvo de soja COA