Xylooligosaccharide Powder

Polvo xylooligosacárido 95%

Ensayo :95%

Método de ensayo :HPLC

Aspecto: polvo fino amarillento a blanco

Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005

  • descripción
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  • ¿Qué es polvo de xilooligosacárido?

    Xilooligosacárido, un oligosacárido funcional compuesto de 2-7 moléculas xilosa Unidas por enlaces glicosídicos − 1,4, es también un nuevo ingrediente funcional en la alimentación moderna y otras industrias. Tiene un sabor puro y una dulzura del 40% de sacarosa. Xilooligosacárido puede proliferbifidobacterias de manera eficiente y selectiva; Tiene buena estabilidad al ácido y al calor; Y mejora la microecología intestinal. También tiene efectos fisiológicos como la regulación de la secreción de insulina, la reducción del colesterol sérico, la estimulación de la absorción intestinal de minerales, anti-caries, antioxidantes, anti-alergia, y la citotoxicidad selectiva.


    Suministros de tecnología de primavera verdePolvo xylooligosacárido 95%Que se produce por fermentación. Tiene buena solubilidad en agua, resistencia a altas temperaturas, y otras características, y ha sido ampliamente utilizado en el campo de productos alimenticios y de salud.


    Establecido en 2000, primavera verde La tecnología se ha comprometido con la investigación y el desarrollo de suministro de extractos de plantas de alta calidad, es una empresa de alta tecnología impulsada. Ha obtenido numerosas certificcomo Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO, etc. Primavera verde Produce de acuerdo con ISO, HACCP, y otras normas de calidad, y sus productos se implementcon los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares internacionales de la industria, cumpliendo con la UE EC396, EU 2023/915 est ã ¡Ndares, y los m ã ¡S altos est ã ¡Ndares de residuos de disolventes.


    Nombre del producto

    Polvo de xilooligosacárido

    Ensayo ensayo


    Método de ensayo



    Polvo fino amarillento a blanco

    Residuos de plaguicidas

    Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005


    Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.

    ¿Busca un presupuesto?


    Prevention of Dental Caries

    The cause of dental caries is the production of organic acids by streptococcus bacteria on dental plaque, which reduces the acidity and alkalinity of the normal oral environment, resulting in the loss of enamel on the teeth, leaving the teeth unprotected from further invasion by microorganisms on the plaque. Xylo-oligosaccharide can not be digested in the human mouth, it does not affect the original ecological environment of the oral cavity. In addition, the presence of xylo-oligosaccharide and sucrose at the same time can prevent the synthesis of sucrose by microorganisms, the generation of insoluble polymer glucose, to prevent the enamel on the surface of the teeth from falling off, and play a certain protective effect.


    Reduce Blood Sugar and Blood Lipids

    Xylo-oligosaccharides are sugars that are not digested or absorbed by the human and animal digestive systems, and there is no direct relationship between intake and human blood glucose measurements. Most of the xylo-oligosaccharides that enter the digestive system of humans or animals are utilized by the beneficial biological flora in the colon. Several studies have shown that xylo-oligosaccharides have good effects in reducing blood glucose.


    Zhu Jier et al. measured body weight, serum glucose, alanine aminotransferase, and triglycerides in mice by gavage of oligo-xylulose. The results showed that xylo-oligosaccharide could reduce the weight of normal mice, effectively reduce the blood glucose level of diabetic mice, and did not change the content of alanine aminotransferase, reduced the level of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and improved the ratio of HDL cholesterol to total cholesterol.


    Proliferation of Bifidobacteria

    Most of the xylooligosaccharides entering the digestive tract will be retained in the large intestine, and then absorbed and utilized by bifidobacteria, fermented and degraded into short-chain fatty acids, bifidogenic factors, antimicrobial agents, and other substances, which can inhibit the proliferation of the original intestinal putrefactive bacteria and pathogenic bacteria of exogenous origin, reduce the toxic fermentation products, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and have a very significant effect on the improvement of intestinal function.


    In addition, the phosphatidic acid on the surface of a large number of bifidobacteria can attract each other with the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells, occupy the surface of the intestinal mucosa, form a layer of biofilm barrier with a protective effect on the intestinal mucosa, prevent the invasion of harmful bacteria, and play a role in improving the internal environment of the intestinal tract and protecting the intestinal tract.


    Activation of the Immune System

    Infectious inflammation can also be caused by non-infectious inflammation. The intake of xylooligosaccharides can effectively counteract the production of inflammation. Gobinath et al. found that the enhancement of the body's immune function by xylooligosaccharides was achieved through the proliferation of Bifidobacterium bifidum.


    The large survival of bifidobacteria significantly increases the number of peripheral blood leukocytes and immune natural killer cells, and at the same time, it can increase the number of peripheral blood monocytes, increase the activity of serum alkaline phosphatase and lysozyme, which circulates to all parts of the human body through the lymphatic system to activate the human immune system and promote the division and development of cells involved in the immune response in the immune system.


    In the Food Field:

    The acid and heat stability of xylooligosaccharides powder makes it have obvious advantages in acidic beverages, adding xylooligosaccharides in addition to a high selective proliferation of bifidobacteria, also can give beverages low-sugar, low-calorie properties, nutrition, and health care functions. Xylooligosaccharides powder can also be used in baked goods, adding xylooligosaccharides in the cake formula can give the cake low sugar, sugar-free sex, to achieve the functionality of the product, made of cake, soft texture, unique flavor, uniform tissue state, suitable for the public taste, and at the same time to improve the bifidobacterium bifidum in the intestinal tract of the human body.


    The addition of xylooligosaccharides powder to biscuits gives them a vibrant color, reduces the number of digestible sugars in shortbread biscuits, and lowers the calories.

  • Xylooligosacárido polvo 95% COA

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