L Carnitine Powder

L polvo de carnitina

CAS No. :541-15-1

Especificación :98%

Método de ensayo :HPLC

Aspecto: polvo blanco de cristal

Residuos de plaguicidas: cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005

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  • ¿Qué es L carnitina en polvo?

    El polvo de L carnitina, nombre químico − -hidroxi - − -trimetilammonibutyric acid, es un polvo cristalblanco o blanco transparente fino que es altamente soluble en agua, alcohol y soluciones alcalinas, y se descompone y se funpor encima de 200 β C. También se conoce como l-carnitina. La l-carnitina se encuentra comúnmente en los tejidos de vertebrados y ungul, así como en algunas plantas y microorganismos. Su estructura química es similar a la de los aminoácidos, y es una sustancia clave en el proceso del metabolismo de las grasas, ayudando a las células a enviar ácidos grasos a la mitocondria para su descomposición oxid.


    La L carnitina es una sustancia similar a un aminoácido que promueve la conversión de grasa en energía y es esencialmente un multivitamínico. Su función principal es transportar ácidos grasos de cadena larga desde el exterior hasta el interior de la membrana mitocondrial en forma de lipoil carnitina, que promueve la beta-oxidde los ácidos grasos.


    verde La tecnología de primavera suministra polvo natural de L carnitina, que tiene una alta pureza, un rendimiento estable, una buena solubilidad y un sabor puro, y se ha utilizado en productos de salud deportiva e ingredientes alimentarios funcionales.


    verde Spring es una de las compañías líderes en tecnología de extractos de plantas en China, establecida en 2000, dedicada a proporcionar a los clientes ingredientes alimenticios naturales y seguros, productos nutricionales, productos para el cuidado de la salud e ingredientes cosméticos. verde Spring tiene un sistema sistemático de gestión de la calidad, organizando la producción de acuerdo con ISO, HACCP, y otras normas de calidad. Se ha establecido un sistema de trazabilidad perfecto, todos los productos pueden ser rastreados. Ha obtenido muchos certificados como Halal, Kosher, COSMOS, BRC, IFS, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000, y así sucesivamente.



    Nombre del producto


    CAS No.


    Ensayo ensayo


    Método de ensayo



    Polvo cristalino blanco

    Residuos de plaguicidas

    Cumplir con la norma (CE) n º 396/2005


    Se ajusta a la normativa de la UE.

    ¿Busca un presupuesto?


    Improvement of Body Tolerance

    Watanable et al. found that L-carnitine improves tolerance during exercise in patients with the disease. During stronger intensity prolonged exercise, the main source of energy for exercising muscles is from fatty acid oxidation, and supplementation of L-carnitine increases the rate at which the body's L-carnitine concentration elevates the rate at which lipoyl COA enters the mitochondria, which saves on sugar utilization and extends the endurance time of the exercise. In addition, oral L-carnitine can increase muscle tolerance during maximal oxygen respiration by 80%, shorten the recovery period after strenuous exercise, and be beneficial in reducing the tension and fatigue associated with exercise.


    Accelerates Sperm Maturation and Improves Viability

    L carnitine is an energetic substance for sperm maturation and can increase sperm count and viability. A survey of more than 30 adult men showed that sperm count and viability were directly proportional to the dietary supply of L-carnitine.


    Promotes Fatigue Recovery

    L carnitine can promote the activity of intracellular pyruvate dehydrogenase, thus promoting the oxidation and utilization of glucose, which is conducive to delaying the onset of fatigue during exercise. At the same time, the human body will produce a large amount of lactic acid during exercise, L-carnitine can promote the decomposition of lactic acid, enhance the body's energy synthesis, accelerate the discharge of waste products, and play a role in anti-fatigue. In addition, L-carnitine also participates in many metabolic processes in the human body and plays an important role in improving the body's immunity, protecting the stability of cell membranes, and improving sports endurance.


    Fat Loss

    L carnitine is a key substance in fat metabolism that promotes the oxidative breakdown of fatty acids into the mitochondria, and it can be said that L-carnitine is a carrier of transporter fatty acids. It has been found that during prolonged, high-intensity exercise, L-carnitine increases the rate of fat oxidation and reduces glycogen depletion, while also delaying fatigue. Some studies have shown that fat loss is most pronounced when L-carnitine supplementation is followed by aerobic training.


    For Healthcare Products:

    L carnitine has been used in lipid regulation and diabetic health foods. By promoting fat metabolism through carnitine, it lowers triglyceride levels in the blood. It also raises the level of HDL cholesterol. It also helps to strengthen the general health of the heart and prevent irregular heart rate. It has been shown that taking L-carnitine can reduce the number of deaths caused by heart failure by one-third. Since obesity can cause diabetes, L-Carnitine can reduce the chances of diabetes through weight loss. At the same time, it can reduce the fat metabolism disorder caused by diabetes. Therefore, the development of L-carnitine added diabetic food, and the treatment of diabetes with the use of drugs can receive better results.


    L carnitine is also a food additive for energy in competitive sports and high-intensity operations. By promoting the oxidation of body fat into energy through L-carnitine, it can improve the explosive power of exercise and the endurance of long-time exercise, relax the whole body muscles, increase the basal metabolic rate, improve the nutritional state of the cardiac muscle, improve the physical performance of exercise, and also help the athletes to eliminate the fatigue after training. It has been tested that the human body's maximum oxygen uptake, lactate threshold, and oxygen uptake threshold can be increased by about 80%. Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education conducted a study on the effect of L-carnitine on athletic ability, and the results showed that for strength sports, L-carnitine can be taken during the competition period to help improve the speed of fatigue elimination and the recovery of physical fitness.


    In Weight Loss Foods:

    Clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of L-Carnitine supplementation in weight loss with no side effects on the body. Therefore, L-carnitine supplementation is an ideal way to lose weight without dieting, anorexia, fatigue, or diarrhea. L-carnitine as the main ingredient of diet food is very popular in Europe and the United States, China also has a small number of similar products on the market.

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